Conference Management Services
- Conference, Exhibition and COrporate Event Services
Conference Organisation
Expert guidance from concept to clean-up: financial planning, websites, online registration, abstract administration, exhibitions... more>
Association Management
Efficient and cost effective, join the many associations that are now out-sourcing membership services, finances and general affairs to us... more>
Online Registration
Bespoke online forms to include all the options, secure management of personal data, full data capture reports for you... more>
Website Management
A dedicated website created early on, to capture and maintain interest well in advance, includes bespoke online registration... more>
Financial Management
Experts help to plan within budget, VAT, tax & insurance, sponsorship, income, cash flow forecasts, charitable status... more>
Exhibition & Sponsorship
Exhibition sales, venues, equipment, on site organisation; attracting and recruiting sponsors, maximising income... more>
- Get immediate advice about Conference, Exhibition, Corporate Event, Association Management, and DMC Services
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- Other Conference and Exhibition Services
Abstract Administration
Online submission & review, preparation of final Book of Abstracts... more>
Accommodation, Travel and DMC Services
We'll handle all on-line reservations free of charge... more>
Free Venue Sourcing
Traditional venue or unusual venue? We'll find, negotiate & book it for FREE... more>
Bid Preparation
Working with you & the host city to bring major international events to the UK... more>
Attracting maximum delegates with cost-effective advertising, direct mail, web & print... more>
Sustainable Conferences
How to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle and have a successful conference... more>
Social Programme
Dinners, sightseeing, sport, entertainment, competitions... more>
“Congratulations on a great show last week. I heard only compliments and that is a great achievement for you and your team given the complexity of the arrangements and size of the congress (6000 delegates). Please give everyone my personal thanks.”
Professor Sir Michael Bond (Past President of IASP), World Congress on Pain